Mandarin for Cantonese Speakers
Designed for students who can speak Cantonese, Hakka, or other Chinese dialects, and even can read some Chinese characters.
本课程是專門爲粵語以及说其他方言人士設計的普通話課程, 學習内容有系统拼音,糾正發音,日常生活场景会话普通話的表达方法!

Pinyin Class – Thornhill, Richmond Hill or online class available
This is a special Mandarin program designed for students who can understand or even speak Cantonese, Hakka, or other Chinese dialects. We will start with Pinyin Class which provides students with intensive training in Mandarin pronunciation of words and phrases.
Conversation Class – Thornhill, Richmond Hill or online class available
This specialized program will help you to start speaking Mandarin in a social environment confidently, fast-track your skills and maximize your vocabulary and knowledge of phrases in Mandarin in as short a time as possible. We guarantee the result!!
Note: We also provide customized training for Chinese background professionals working in clinics, banking, retail, etc. to improve and perfect their Mandarin skills for their line of work. And 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 private classes are available on request. Please contact us for more information.
Duration: 10 lessons/ session, 1.5 or 2 hours / lesson
Class size: 1-on-1, 1-on-2 or 3-5 small group class
Tuition fee:
In-person: $60/hr for 1-on-1 class
$35/hr/student for 1-on-2 class
$499/student/session for for group of 3 to 5 students
Online: $50/hr for 1-on-1 class
$30/hr/student for 1-on-2 class
Materials fee: $50-70, applied based on the curriculum
Registration fee: $50 (one-time for new students)